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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Benefits of Garlic in Heart Disease

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Numerous clinical trials have looked at the role and benefits of garlic supplements in heart disease. Many of these randomized studies showed positive benefits of garlic in heart disease: in particular, lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) and triglycerides (Also Read: How to lower Triglycerides?). A few small randomized trials also suggested the benefits of garlic in the prevention of platelet aggregation and thrombosis (the formation of plaques in the blood). Another study also showed that aged garlic extracts lowered high blood pressure. Most of these studies are relatively short-term, therefore we do not know if the positive benefits of garlic will last more than 3 months. Please also note that there were a number of studies showing conflicting results.
How much Garlic?

The American Dietetic Association suggested that in order to obtain the potential health benefits of garlic, one must take 600 - 900mg (about 1 fresh clove) per day.
Other Benefits of Garlic

Some studies looked at the potential benefits of garlic in cancer prevention. Some suggested that garlic inhibited the development and progression of breast, colon, stomach, esophagus, prostate and skin cancers in test tubes and in animals. Read Benefits of Garlic in Cancer

Other studies also showed that garlic exhibits antibiotic and antifungal effects.

benefits of Garlic HeartGarlic and Heart Key Message: Despite of the conflicting results of some studies, results of the majority of the clinical studies seemed to show promising benefits of garlic in heart disease for its ability of lowering blood cholesterol and anti-clogging blood vessels. Please be cautious if you are taking garlic supplements and blood thinners such as aspirin and warfarin at the same time. Garlic supplements will further thin your blood. In addition, it is suggested to discontinue garlic supplementation at least 7 days prior to surgery.

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